Why Lead Standards Matter

Earthjustice is partnering with community groups to fight for just and protective EPA standards for lead in the dust and paint in our homes.

Earthjustice is partnering with community groups to fight for just and protective EPA standards for lead in the dust and paint in our homes.

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Saving Alaska’s Ancient Trees

Tongass National Forest, Alaska

As my family and others decorate our Christmas trees, some of their oldest-remaining ancestors are at risk of being chopped down.

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How a Polluter Is Capitalizing on Disaster in Puerto Rico

The post-Hurricane Maria landscape in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, where Energy Answers, Inc., wants to build a trash incinerator.

As Puerto Rico and its residents reel in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, Energy Answers, the company that has been trying unsuccessfully for a decade to construct a solid waste incinerator in Arecibo, has been hard at work capitalizing on the chaos of recovery to push its unpopular project through.

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