The Latest by Alison Cagle


Alison Cagle is a writer at Earthjustice. She is based in San Francisco. Alison tells the stories of the earth: the systems that govern it, the ripple effects of those systems, and the people who are fighting to change them — to protect our planet and all its inhabitants.

A fracking drill rig set in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.
November 12, 2021

Here’s Why Leasing Public Land to Oil and Gas is a Death Sentence for the Planet

Selling public land to companies that carve it up for fossil fuels is a bad deal for people and the environment.

Black equestrians ride through Chicago's Washington Park for a Juneteenth celebration in June 2020.
June 17, 2021

This Summer, We Celebrate Black Resilience

Across the nation, people are reclaiming Black spaces as equally deserving of a healthy environment and protection under the law.

This photo from 2015 shows a vast industrial area that includes numerous logistics facilities near homes in the Rancho Cucamonga and Fontana area of California.
June 10, 2021

Online Shopping Is Poisoning the Air, But Electric Vehicles Can Help

Two recent wins in Southern California show that e-commerce doesn’t have to come at the expense of people’s health if the industry shifts to an electric future.

Mari Rose Taruc
November 19, 2020

Es Hora De Decirle Adiós Al Gas Doméstico

Los aparatos de gas están contaminando nuestros hogares. Las líneas de gas provocan trágicas explosiones. Electrificar nuestra oferta de viviendas puede ayudar.

Aerial photo of the nation's largest oil refinery, owned by Motiva and located in Port Arthur, Texas, submerged in floodwaters in 2017 due to Hurricane Harvey.
October 1, 2020

What Happens When a Hurricane Smashes Into Fossil Fuels?

When hurricanes hit our coasts, vulnerable fossil fuel plants threaten local communities, wildlife, and entire ecosystems with a “second storm” of toxic air, poisoned water, and chemical fires. Here‘s what needs to be done to reduce and eliminate the risks.

President Donald Trump pauses during a meeting in the White House on Wednesday, May 20, 2020.
June 5, 2020

On World Environment Day, the Government Slashes Environmental Protections

Instead of responding to multiple national crises, the administration is pushing an industry-first agenda that railroads environmental laws.

Tribes and allies gathered to defend Standing Rock Sioux territory from the Dakota Access Pipeline in 2016. A federal judge struck down the pipeline's permits on March 25, 2020, after years of litigation.Tribes and allies gathered to defend Standing Rock
March 25, 2020

Standing Rock Tribe Wins in Court After Years of Perseverance

A federal judge struck down permits for the Dakota Access Pipeline, even after COVID-19 precautions led to an unconventional day in court.

Fort Myers resident Crystal Johnson set up a makeshift emergency center in Hurricane Irma's wake after the government failed to provide adequate aid to her neighborhood.
January 17, 2020

Florida’s Waters Are Rising, But So Are Its People

Residents, city leaders, and frontline workers are rallying around climate resilience strategies in the absence of federal leadership.

Crystal Johnson, residente de Fort Myers, estableció un improvisado centro de emergencias a raíz del Huracán Irma y luego de que el gobierno no suministrara ayuda adecuada a su barrio.
January 17, 2020

Las Aguas de La Florida Se Levantan, Pero Su Gente También

Residentes y líderes comunitarios unen esfuerzos en torno a estrategias de resiliencia climática

Berkeley City Councilmember Kate Harrison authored Berkeley natural gas ban
August 23, 2019

Coming Soon to Your Home: Cleaner Air and Climate Action

The world is watching how Berkeley implements a new ordinance moving new buildings off dirty gas to all-electric power.