The Latest by Alison Cagle


Alison Cagle is a writer at Earthjustice. She is based in San Francisco. Alison tells the stories of the earth: the systems that govern it, the ripple effects of those systems, and the people who are fighting to change them — to protect our planet and all its inhabitants.

August 12, 2019

Cuts to Animal Protections Aren’t Surprising to Anyone Who Knows David Bernhardt

As a former oil and gas lobbyist, Interior Secretary David Berhardt has a long history of proposing regulations that benefit industry at the risk of species extinction.

July 11, 2019

Earthjustice VP of Climate Litigation Is Ramping Up Transition to 100% Clean

New VP of Climate Litigation Jill Tauber, along with the climate and energy team, are working to spur a swift, equitable transition to clean energy — a task more urgent now than it has ever been.

central electrica y garza gris
May 14, 2019

Cómo Trump Puede Empeorar La Crisis de la Extinción

Un millón de especies están en riesgo de desaparecer debido a la actividad humana, de acuerdo con un reporte de la ONU, y aun así la administración propone debilitar las protecciones de especies nativas.

May 8, 2019

With Extinction Crisis Brewing, Biden Has a Chance to Do Better Than Trump

One million species are at risk of extinction due to human activity, a UN report says. The time for government action is now.