The Latest by Keith Rushing

National Communications Strategist, Partnerships and Intersectional Justice

Based in Washington, D.C., Keith is the National Communications Strategist for Partnerships and Intersectional Justice.

The incoming Trump administration could try to roll back recent progress toward environmental justice, but these visionary community leaders are ready to resist.
December 16, 2016

Environmental Justice Leaders to Stand Strong in the Trump Era

The incoming Trump administration could try to roll back recent progress toward environmental justice, but these visionary community leaders are ready to resist.

Toxic coal ash dust at the Making Money Having Fun Landfill in Bokoshe, OK.
November 3, 2016

The Racial Discrimination We too Often Overlook

Federal agencies like the EPA can help alleviate—or deepen—structural racism.

September 9, 2016

Líderes de Justicia Ambiental Confrontan la ‘Diferencia de Valores’

Activistas de justicia ambiental discuten el impacto duradero de la discriminación.

“Race trumps class,” said Dr. Bob Bullard, a distinguished professor at Texas Southern University. He spoke at a panel on environmental justice sponsored by Earthjustice at the joint National Association of Black Journalists - National Association of Hisp
September 9, 2016

Environmental Justice Leaders Confront The ‘Value Gap’

At a convention of black and Hispanic journalists, environmental justice advocates talk about the lasting impacts of discrimination. (English language version available.)

May 11, 2016

Las Maniobras De Transporte De Crudo Por Ferrocarril Amenazan

Ezra Prentice Homes es un complejo de viviendas con 400 residentes, mayormente de raza negra, y cuya mayoría son niños. También hay viviendas, centros de salud pública, parques e iglesias en las cercanías de la operación petrolera de Global Companies.

Be Be White and his son Brayton, six years old, stand along the fence that separates the railroad tracks with cars containing hazardous crude oil from Ezra Prentice Homes.
May 11, 2016

Crude-by-Rail Operations Threaten to Drown Out Black Community in Albany

Trains loaded with crude oil rumble past the Ezra Prentice Homes in Albany, New York, bringing air and noise pollution along for the ride.

Annette Gibbs and her husband William
February 17, 2016

Coal Ash Dump in Alabama's Black Belt: Another Symbol of Racism's Staying Power

In Uniontown, Alabama, a mountain of coal ash containing carcinogens and neurotoxins is threatening the town's residents.

Ron Smith
January 28, 2016

EPA to Weaken Civil Rights Protections Under Obama

The EPA’s Office of Civil Rights is trying to weaken civil rights protections through a new proposal that will negatively impact communities that suffer environmental discrimination.

Distortions and misinformation are key tactics in polluters' efforts to avoid cleaning up their pollution.
August 3, 2015

Three Myths Pushed by Polluters to Avoid Improving Air Quality

We explore three myths fueled by distortions and misinformation that are key tactics in polluters' efforts to avoid cleaning up their air pollution.

Tell us, what does #asthmafeellike to you?
July 9, 2015

#AsthmaFeelsLike Campaign Shares Stories About Life Without Breath

A new social media campaign gets underway to encourage those affected by asthma to speak truth to power.