The Latest by Keith Rushing

National Communications Strategist, Partnerships and Intersectional Justice

Based in Washington, D.C., Keith is the National Communications Strategist for Partnerships and Intersectional Justice.

July 28, 2017

Detienen Los Engaños Del Distrito De Control De Contaminación Ambiental Del Condado De San Joaquín

Según la Asociación Pulmonar Americana, Bakersfield es el lugar con mayor polución de partículas a corto plazo en Estados Unidos y con los peores niveles de polución de ozono. Ambas formas de contaminación están relacionadas con enfermedades pulmonares, como el asma, y enfermedades del corazón.

A train transports oil across California's Central Valley, headed towards the Bakersfield Crude Terminal in Kern County.
July 26, 2017

California County Agency Caught Colluding with Polluters

Court denies permit for crude-by-rail terminal sewer system in Bakersfield, Calif., after rejecting air control board’s funny math.

El 6 de agosto de 2012, un incendio y una explosión en una refinería Chevron en Richmond, California, causó que 15,000 personas necesitaran tratamiento médico.
July 12, 2017

La EPA retrasa normas para plantas químicas poniendo en peligro a comunidades de color

Pam Nixon vive en una zona de West Virginia que llaman “Valle Químico”, rodeada de industrias que manejan químicos tóxicos e inflamables. Durante los 65 años que ha vivido allí, Pam ha tenido que refugiarse en casa y sellar sus ventanas repetidas veces por alertas de fugas químicas.

On August 6, 2012, a fire and explosion at a Chevron refinery in Richmond, Calif. caused 15,000 people to seek medical treatment.
June 23, 2017

EPA delay imperils communities of color near chemical plants

African American and Latino communities will be harmed most by the EPA’s delay of a lifesaving chemical safety rule.

Marchers in New York City's 2014 Peoples Climate March. Heightened activism at the local level has garnered a breakthrough for environmental justice in this city.
June 12, 2017

Resisting Trump’s Environmental Rollbacks, Locally

Heightened activism at the local level has garnered a breakthrough for environmental justice in New York City.

Native American activists join in the Peoples Climate March.
May 4, 2017

Marchers: Climate Concerns Are Tied to Racial Justice

The pollution that causes climate change burdens some communities more than others.

Black community members speak out against racism at the 2014 Justice for All march in Washington, D.C. From housing to education and from health care to environmental justice, Trump seeks to set our communities back.
April 24, 2017

Frontline Communities Seeking Solutions Unite for Peoples Climate March

Environmental justice groups will keep the needs of overburdened communities front-and-center during this week’s Peoples Climate March.

From housing to education and from health care to environmental justice, Trump seeks to set our communities back.
March 27, 2017

Trump’s Heartless Attack on Black Communities

From housing to education and from health care to environmental justice, Trump seeks to set our communities back.

While the president whips up Category 4 tweetstorms, serious issues like the ongoing lead crisis in Flint, Michigan, and other cities remain unaddressed.
March 22, 2017

Trump’s Torrent of Extremism Distracts from Major Issues like Lead Poisoning

While the president whips up Category 4 tweetstorms, serious issues like the ongoing lead crisis in Flint, Michigan, and other cities remain unaddressed.

Members of the Sacred Stone camp in North Dakota speak out against the Dakota Access Pipeline
February 22, 2017

Trump’s Actions on Race and the Environment Speak Much Louder than Recent Anti-Bigotry Claims

President Trump's environmental justice track record bodes ill for black, brown and native communities.