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Jackson Bridge
(Siddharth Patil / CCO 1.0)
feature March 18, 2021

Ironbound: Un Barrio Inquebrantable

Un vecindario de la ciudad de Newark se enfrenta a un incinerador de basura tóxica.

Jackson Bridge
(Siddharth Patil / CCO 1.0)
feature January 22, 2021

Ironbound Unyielding

A Newark neighborhood takes on a toxic trash incinerator.

The incinerator is located in the heart of the Ironbound community and is the largest in New Jersey. Continued air violations have grown particularly noticeable this year as Newark residents and the media have photographed tinted pink smoke emanating from the incinerator’s smokestack.
(Christopher Rodrigeuz / Ironbound Community)
Press Release October 24, 2019

Due To Covanta’s Continuous ‘Pink Smoke’ Air Violations The Ironbound Community Urges NJ AG To Investigate And Take Enforcement

Visible pink and purple smoke emission events continue to threaten the public health of frontline Ironbound residents and violate New Jersey and federal laws, raising concern of unpermitted medical waste

document February 18, 2021

Letter: Ironbound Community Corporation, Earthjustice, and the Vermont Law School Environmental Advocacy Clinic request to Newark Central Planning Board

On behalf of the Ironbound Community Corporation (ICC), Earthjustice and the Vermont Law School Environmental Advocacy Clinic request that the Newark Central Planning Board withhold approval of the application for planning permission submitted by Aries Newark LLC for the proposed sewage gasification facility at 400 Doremus Avenue because Aries’s application fails to address significant community and environmental concerns.

document October 23, 2019

New Jersey's Ironbound Community Urges AG to Investigate Pollution Violations

In an open letter delivered to New Jersey Attorney General, Ironbound Community Corporation chronicles air and potential solid waste violations such as the infamous pink smoke emissions by Incinerator operations that continue to threaten public health and the environment while violating state and federal laws.

The "March For Clean Air! Stop Dumping in Newark" in Nov. 2021. (Kena Betancur for Earthjustice)
Press Release October 19, 2023

Environmental Advocates Move to Defend EPA Rule Removing Polluter Loopholes

Companies use affirmative defense to avoid the consequences of releasing unlimited amounts of toxic emissions during emergencies

document October 29, 2024

Comments on PVSC Significant Modification Title V Draft Permit

On behalf of the Ironbound Community Corporation, Earthjustice submits the following comments on the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s draft modification of the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission’s (PVSC) Title V operating permit that would allow PVSC to operate a new methane gas-fired Standby Power Generating Facility at the PVSC facility located at 600 Wilson Avenue, Newark, Essex County, NJ 07105.

"Women have to be the fiercest," says Maria Lopez-Nuñez. She is fighting for environmental justice in Newark, NJ's Ironbound neighborhood.
(Brian W. Fraser)
Article February 28, 2024

These Women Environmental Leaders Are Fighting For Their Communities

Women will continue to help shape the future as we fight to protect the environment that we all share — our planet.

Art created by young people in Newark, NJ’s Ironbound neighborhood in advance of a November 2018 demonstration targeting Covanta, the company that runs New Jersey’s largest garbage incinerator and largest source of airborne lead pollution.
(Jonathan Smith / Earthjustice)
Press Release November 15, 2018

Newark Youth March on Covanta, Trash-Burning Incinerator Masquerading As “Energy Plant”

Covanta violates pollution permits, threatens public health — all while nabbing incentives intended for clean energy

Newark children demand clean air instead of pollution from local incinerators.
(Ironbound Community Corporation)
feature August 13, 2021

El Informe: El Secreto Sucio de Nueva Jersey – la injusticia de los incineradores y la energía generada por basura en las comunidades de base de Nueva Jersey

Un nuevo informe revela los daños a la salud y la injusticia de quemar basura en comunidades de primera línea de Nueva Jersey. Asimismo, es perentoria la eliminación de subsidios de “energía limpia” para incineradores contaminantes de Nueva Jersey.

An industrial facility in California's Central Valley.
(Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature March 28, 2023

Environmental, Health, and Grassroots Organizations Call for a Stronger Soot Standard

Exposure to fine particle pollution causes a range of health harms, such as increased infant mortality, cardiovascular and respiratory disease, asthma attacks, diabetes, dementia, and premature death.

Newark children demand clean air instead of pollution from local incinerators.
(Ironbound Community Corporation)
feature February 24, 2021

Report: New Jersey’s Dirty Secret – The Injustice Of Incinerators And Trash Energy In New Jersey’s Frontline Communities

A new report highlights the health harms and injustice of burning trash in New Jersey’s frontline communities and calls for the elimination of “clean energy” subsidies for New Jersey’s polluting incinerators.

Press Release September 13, 2022

Dangerous Loopholes Allow Facilities to Release Toxic, Unchecked Air Pollutants

Groups petition EPA to close Clean Air Act loopholes for startup, shutdown, malfunction events

Southeast Resource Recovery Facility (SERRF) Incinerator in Long Beach, Calif.
(East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice)
feature November 9, 2021

Vestiges of Environmental Racism: Closing California’s Last Two Municipal Waste Incinerators

California must divert its resources away from the dying technology of incinerators and towards more sustainable methods of waste management.

Article August 12, 2021

50 for 50: Level up Your Environmental Advocacy With Earthjustice Today

If there’s anything we’ve learned over the last 50 years, it’s that your voice matters.

document August 4, 2022

EPA: Petition to Update Emission Standards for Large Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators

East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice, Ironbound Community Corporation, and Sierra Club petition this Court for a writ of mandamus requiring the United States Environmental Protection Agency and Michael S. Regan, in his official capacity as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, to promulgate a rule updating its emission standards for large municipal solid waste incinerators.

CITY HALL, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES - 2019/05/03: Hundreds students took part in the School Strike for Climate on May 3, 2019 in New York City, joining over 500 events worldwide. The students held a rally and perform a die in outside City Hall to bring attention to Mayor De Blasio's inaction to declare a climate emergency. (Photo by Erik McGregor/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images)
Press Release July 18, 2019

Grupos Ambientales Nacionales y de Justicia Ambiental Promueven Una Histórica Plataforma Climática Conjunta

La Plataforma Nacional Climática insta a una acción climática nacional que confronte las injusticias ambientales, económicas y raciales

CITY HALL, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES - 2019/05/03: Hundreds students took part in the School Strike for Climate on May 3, 2019 in New York City, joining over 500 events worldwide. The students held a rally and perform a die in outside City Hall to bring attention to Mayor De Blasio's inaction to declare a climate emergency. (Photo by Erik McGregor/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images)
Press Release July 18, 2019

Environmental Justice and National Environmental Groups Advance a Historic Joint Climate Platform

The first-of-its-kind National Climate Platform lays out a vision for just and equitable climate solutions