Earthjustice trabaja en nombre de grupos ambientales, laborales y de la sociedad civil en Puerto Rico para acelerar la transición a un sistema distribuido de energía renovable que garantice el acceso a fuentes limpias para todos sus habitantes.
Earthjustice is working on behalf of environmental, labor, and civil society groups in Puerto Rico to accelerate the transition away from dirty fossil fuels in favor of a distributed renewable energy system that ensures access to clean energy for all Puerto Ricans.
Expert report of Agustín Irizarry-Rivera reviewing the Fifth Modified Third Amended Title III Plan of Adjustment of the Debt submitted by the Financial Oversight and Management Board (FOMB) for the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA).
While the validity of the contract extension is being contested, the result of it is clear: it allows LUMA to continue operating despite its poor performance and overpriced service
Si bien se cuestiona la validez de la extensión del contrato, el resultado es claro: esto permite que LUMA continúe operando a pesar de su bajo rendimiento y su servicio sobrevaluado
Letter to the Department of Energy (DOE) urging the reconsideration of the decision to appoint Mario Hurtado, chief regulatory officer for LUMA Energy, as a member of the DOE’s Electricity Advisory Committee.