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The Cheswick coal-fired power plant in Pennsylvania, reflected in a window of a home in Springdale, is among the hundreds of power plants likely covered by the Mercury & Air Toxics Standards.
(Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature April 25, 2024

The Mercury & Air Toxics Standards

When companies burn coal in the U.S., significant amounts of mercury spew into our air. Now, that mercury is controlled, thanks to a federal rule that Earthjustice and our clients fought for, defended, and successfully expanded.

A coal ash pond full of dead trees lies adjacent to Duke Energy's Buck Steam Station in Dukeville, N.C., in 2016. (Chuck Burton / AP)
Press Release: Victory April 25, 2024

Earthjustice Applauds EPA for Historic Suite of Safeguards from Power Plant Pollution

Standards will tackle major sources of climate pollution and protect public health

Press Release April 5, 2023

EPA Moves to Strengthen Protections Against Toxic Power Plant Air Pollution

The proposal strengthens a rule that has prevented between 4,200 and 11,000 premature deaths annually since 2016

Press Release February 17, 2023

EPA Reaffirms Mercury and Air Toxics Standards Will Save Lives

Reducing mercury and air toxins emissions has saved more than 11,000 lives and a stronger standard could prevent even more deaths

Press Release January 31, 2022

EPA Moves to Restore Authority to Limit Power Plants’ Toxic Air Emissions

Strengthened Mercury and Air Toxics Standards is critical for clean air

Press Release January 31, 2022

Agencia Busca Restaurar Autoridad Para Limitar Sustancias Tóxicas Emitidas por Plantas Eléctricas

El fortalecimiento del ‘Estándar de Mercurio y Tóxicos de Aire’ es fundamental para tener aire limpio

“EPA is sentencing entire segments of the population to a poisoned death,” said Caroline Armijo (left) of N.C. Read her story, and those of Nicole Horseherder of Ariz., and Tom Sedor of Penn., in the special report, <a href="//"><em>Erasing Lives</em></a>.
(From left: Justin Cook for Earthjustice. Darcy Padilla. Chris Knight.)
feature May 13, 2021

Special Report: The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards

Three Americans living near power plants share how they will be harmed by the gutting of the Mercury & Air Toxics Standards.

document June 19, 2020

Petition for Review EPA's rollback of the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards

Petition for review of EPA's MATS rollback

Coal-fired power plant
(ansoncfit / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Press Release June 18, 2020

Groups Sue Trump’s EPA Over Rollback of Toxic Emissions Standards

Under the cover of COVID, EPA is putting thousands of lives at risk

Marti Blake watched the Cheswick Generating Station from her home in Springdale, PA.
(Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
Press Release April 16, 2020

Under the Cover of COVID-19, Trump’s EPA OKs More Mercury Air Pollution

EPA is making MATS rule vulnerable to court challenges

Desde su casa, Marti Blake observa la estación generadora de energía de Cheswick en Springdale, Pensilvania.
(Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
Press Release April 15, 2020

Bajo La Sombra Del COVID-19, La Agencia Ambiental De Trump Aprueba Más Contaminación Del Aire Con Mercurio

La EPA está haciendo que la regla MATS no logre enfrentar desafíos judiciales

“EPA is sentencing entire segments of the population to a poisoned death,” said Caroline Armijo (left) of N.C. Read her story, and those of Nicole Horseherder of Ariz., and Tom Sedor of Penn., in the special report, <a href="//"><em>Erasing Lives</em></a>.
(From left: Justin Cook for Earthjustice. Darcy Padilla. Chris Knight.)
Press Release February 6, 2020

House Hearings Tackle Trump Administration’s Attacks on Protections for Children and Families

Broad coalition of children’s advocates, environmental leaders, faith leaders praise oversight committee for drawing attention to threats

document January 15, 2020

Erasing Lives: The EPA’s Crooked Scheme Could Cause Thousands to Lose Their Lives

On the near 20-year battle to regulate power plants, the strategy underway to overturn the Mercury & Air Toxics Standards, and the backstory of who is driving this fight and benefits.

“EPA is sentencing entire segments of the population to a poisoned death,” said Caroline Armijo (left) of N.C. Read her story, and those of Nicole Horseherder of Ariz., and Tom Sedor of Penn., in the special report, <a href="//"><em>Erasing Lives</em></a>.
(From left: Justin Cook for Earthjustice. Darcy Padilla. Chris Knight.)
feature October 21, 2019

Desvaneciendo Vidas: Un Esquema de la EPA Causaría Que Miles de Personas Fallezcan

Tres residentes que viven cerca de centrales eléctricas comparten cómo se verán perjudicados si se concreta la reversión del MATS.

Smoking pipes and smog of an industrial zone.
(Hramovnick / iStock / Thinkstock)
Press Release December 28, 2018

Wheeler’s Environmental Protection Agency Secretly Moves To Let More Mercury In The Air

As many as 11,000 premature deaths a year are at stake

Humo tóxico en una zona industrial.
(Hramovnick / iStock / Thinkstock)
Press Release December 28, 2018

EPA de Wheeler quiere permitir más mercurio en el aire

Hasta 11,000 muertes prematuras están en juego

The Cheswick coal-fired power plant in Pennsylvania. It is among the hundreds of power plants likely covered by the Mercury & Air Toxics Standards.
(Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
Press Release April 18, 2017

Trump’s EPA Considers Reversal of Limits on Toxic Air Pollution

Environmental and health groups will continue the fight to protect public health

Mercury levels in tuna have finally started to decrease, but the good news may be short lived if Scott Pruitt is allowed to head the EPA and overturn important limits on power plant pollution.
(Kentaro Foto/Shutterstock)
Article January 30, 2017

A Scott Pruitt Appointment Means More Mercury in Our Fish

Mercury levels in tuna have finally started to decrease, but the good news may be short lived if Scott Pruitt is allowed to head the EPA and overturn important limits on power plant pollution.