Florida's State Workers Silenced on Climate Change

Beach chairs floating away in high Florida tide

Gov. Rick Scott’s administration has banned state workers from using the words “climate change” in their reports and presentations, even as sea level rise slowly swallows the Sunshine State’s picturesque coastlines.

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Why I Skipped School for Clean Air

Oscar Garcia and Kimberly Garcia of Reno, NV, hold a sign outside of the EPA's public hearing in Sacramento on proposed ozone standards.

This blog was contributed by Kim Garcia, a high school senior, who traveled from Reno to Sacramento last month to testify at the EPA's proposed ozone rule hearings.

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Washington State’s Numbers Game

Salmon filet

The state’s funny math on water quality standards adds up to toxic waterways, mercury-laden fish and weakened cancer risk protections.

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Celebrating Creative Women in a Climate Crisis

Rachel Carson Bob Hines

Wherever Women’s History Month is observed, there are people celebrating the life and legacy of Rachel Carson, but even the wildly original Carson owed a debt to the courageous women who came before her.

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The Wolf: Man’s Best, and Oldest, Friend

European Grey Wolf

New research has found that our relationship with wolves may go back further than previously thought—and could have been the impetus that allowed the first humans to spread across the world.

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Excuses for Climate Denial Shrivel Up in the Midwest


A new bipartisan report released last month warns that climate change puts the productivity of the Midwest’s keystone agricultural, manufacturing and transportation industries at risk.

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