Copping Out on Copper Mine Contamination

the wazoo/CC BY-NC 2.0

After decades of delay, financial assurance regulations will push polluters to clean up their toxic messes in a timely manner and encourage companies to avoid making messes in the first place.

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Five (True!) Tall Tales About Trees


This Arbor Day, we’re celebrating the holiday with five fun facts about trees, along with a list of the various ways that Earthjustice is working to save these invaluable organisms.

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Committing to Clean Up Their Own Messes

Earthjustice attorneys Jan Hasselman and Amanda Goodin after receiving the Green Hammer award.

America’s dirtiest industrial polluters will now be legally accountable for paying for their clean-ups thanks to the EPA’s financial assurance rules.

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En Una Gran Victoria Para El Clima, New York Rechaza Ducto Para Gas Fracturado

En Albany, el gobernador Andrew Cuomo anunció que su administración estaba negando un permiso clave para la construcción de un proyecto masivo de infraestructura para combustibles fósiles—un ducto para gas fracturado de 125 millas de longitud y conocido como Constitution.

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