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Article November 22, 2016

Nuestro Primer Parque Nacional: Más Valioso Que el Oro

Las minas de la entrada de Yellowstone podrían disminuir áreas de hábitat y amenaza la comunidad local al afectar la economía de la región.

View of Mineral Mountain at the entrance to the historic community of Old Chico, a popular tourist destination for those looking for peace and quiet. This will be the access road for drilling rigs and heavy equipment.
(Photo courtesy of William Campbell)
Article November 22, 2016

Our First National Park: More Precious Than Gold

Mining proposals on the doorstep of Yellowstone National Park threaten the environment and the local economy.

Article August 24, 2016

Nadie es Dueño de la Montaña

Mientras celebramos el centenario del Servicio de Parques Nacionales, debemos recordar que la preservación de estas tierras para toda la gente y los seres vivos es un principio básico de la relación que los habitantes nativos originales han tenido con el mundo natural.

As we celebrate the centennial of the National Park Service, we must remember that the preservation of lands like Yosemite National Park (above) for all people and creatures is a basic tenet of the native peoples’ wisdom about the natural world.
Article August 24, 2016

No One Owns the Mountain

As we celebrate the centennial of the National Park Service, we must remember that the preservation of these lands for all people and creatures is a basic tenet of the native peoples’ wisdom about the natural world.

Article August 18, 2016

Celebridades del Mundo Salvaje: Nuestros Parques, Su Hogar

Como guardianes de las tierras salvajes de América, tanto el Servicio de Parques Nacionales como los visitantes tienen la obligación de proteger la asombrosa vida silvestre que ha existido y vivido ahí mucho tiempo antes de que los humanos entraran a la escena.

Protecting national parks for human visitors also means keeping them safe for the many awe-inspiring creatures that live there like the bison of Yellowstone National Park.
(Lee Prince/Shutterstock)
Article August 18, 2016

Wildlife Celebrities: Our Parks, Their Homes

Protecting national parks for human visitors also means keeping them safe for the many awe-inspiring creatures that live there.

Article August 16, 2016

Conectando a Comunidades de Color con los Parques Nacionales

Teresa Baker, la fundadora de African American National Parks Event, habla con Earthjustice sobre lo que los parques nacionales pueden hacer para dar la bienvenida a las comunidades de color.

Teresa Baker, the founder of the African American National Parks Event, talks to Earthjustice about what national parks can do to welcome communities of color.
(Photo courtesy of Teresa Baker)
Article August 16, 2016

Connecting Communities of Color to the National Parks

Teresa Baker, the founder of the African American National Parks Event, talks to Earthjustice about what national parks can do to welcome communities of color.

Article August 11, 2016

De Acadia a Glacier Bay, Este Visitante a los Parques Nacionales Lo Ha Visto Todo

Kurt Repanshek no solo ha visitado alrededor de 90 sitios resguardados por el Servicio de Parques Nacionales, sino que ha estado reportando sobre los parques nacionales, monumentos, costas y campos de batalla de la nación durante más de una década.

Kurt Repanshek hasn’t just visited about 90 National Park Service areas—he’s been reporting on the nation’s parks, monuments, seashores and battlefields for more than a decade. He travels to Yellowstone National Park (above) every year.
(Kris Wiktor/Shutterstock)
Article August 11, 2016

From Acadia to Glacier Bay, this National Parks Traveler Has Seen it All

Kurt Repanshek hasn’t just visited about 90 National Park Service areas—he’s been reporting on the nation’s parks, monuments, seashores and battlefields for more than a decade.

Article July 28, 2016

Nuestros Parques Nacionales Necesitan un Respiro de Aire Puro

Desde las Great Smoky Mountains hasta el Parque Nacional de Joshua Tree, la neblina contaminada es una de las amenazas más generalizadas y apremiantes que acechan a nuestros parques y a los que quieren disfrutarlos.

A hazy view at the South Rim overlook of Big Bend National Park in Texas. Haze pollution is one of the biggest threats facing our parks and those who want to enjoy them.
(David Fulmer/CC BY 2.0)
Article July 28, 2016

Our National Parks Need a Breath of Fresh Air

Haze pollution is one of the biggest threats facing our parks and those who want to enjoy them.

Article July 20, 2016

Armonía y Solidaridad: GreenLatinos en los Parques Nacionales

Más de cien latinos y otros partidarios unidos en la contienda para proteger a nuestras comunidades se juntaron en el estado de Wyoming en un escenario espectacular del Parque Nacional Grand Teton para la Reunión Nacional Cumbre GreenLatinos 2016.

The second annual GreenLatinos summit in Grand Teton National Park was a chance for Latino environmentalists to band together to protect our planet. Here attendees take a rafting trip down the Snake River.
(Mike Greener for Earthjustice)
Article July 20, 2016

Harmony and Solidarity: GreenLatinos in the National Parks

The second annual GreenLatinos summit in Grand Teton National Park was a chance for Latino environmentalists to band together to protect our planet.

Article July 14, 2016

Seis Parques y Monumentos Nacionales que Desconoces

Es importante recordar que vale la pena defender a todos los parques y monumentos nacionales—grandes y pequeños, urbanos y silvestres, accesibles y remotos.

Not every park can be as popular as Yellowstone—but every park deserves our protection. Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, pictured above, encompasses 292,500 acres of wilderness spanning southern Washington and northern Oregon.
(Gary Gilardi/Shutterstock)
Article July 14, 2016

Six National Parks and Monuments You’ve Likely Never Heard Of

Not every park can be as popular as Yellowstone—but every park deserves our protection.

Article July 7, 2016

Los Parques Nacionales a Través de los Ojos de un Artista

El arte ha jugado siempre un papel importante a la ahora de generar apoyo del público para el Servicio de Parques Nacionales.

Art has long played a defining role in generating public support for the National Park Service. Thomas Hill depicted the iconic Yosemite National Park in El Capitan in 1866.(Public Domain/Oakland Museum of California)
Article July 7, 2016

The National Parks Through an Artist’s Eyes

Art has long played a defining role in generating public support for the National Park Service.